daily devotion (17)

Hello, brothers in Christ! Today I want to share with you a Christian devotion for men that is inspired by one of my favorite movies, "300". You may be wondering, what does a violent and bloody movie about ancient Spartans have to do with our faith? Well, let me tell you, there are some powerful lessons we can learn from this film and apply to our lives as followers of Jesus.


First of all, the movie "300" is about courage. The Spartans faced overwhelming odds against the Persian army, but they

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Hello, lovely ladies! Welcome to another edition of Christian daily devotion for women. Today, we're going to talk about how to find joy in the midst of trials. Sounds impossible, right? Well, not with God on our side!


The Bible tells us that we can rejoice in our sufferings, because suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces character, and character produces hope (Romans 5:3-4). And hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Hol

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by linzy bruno  


Strength in weakness…..what a remarkable concept. Our God is Amazing and Divine assistance is without measure or comparison. Only God can make such a marvelous guarantee, that even in our weaknesses, because of our reliance on Him; we are strong!

Rather than relentless insistence that we strive for perfection of our own accord, which would define independence, God wants that we depend completely on Him. And this countenance will

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by linzy bruno  


Strength in weakness…..what a remarkable concept. Our God is Amazing and Divine assistance is without measure or comparison. Only God can make such a marvelous guarantee, that even in our weaknesses, because of our reliance on Him; we are strong!

Rather than relentless insistence that we strive for perfection of our own accord, which would define independence, God wants that we depend completely on Him. And this countenance will

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We've been looking at Samson, One of the things Samson was known for was his great strength. He he killed a lion with his bare hands. He was attacked by a lion and he ripped that lion apart and he defeated that lion. He killed a thousand men at one time with the jawbone of an ass. The Bible says you know he was at one point. He picked up the gates of the city, which were huge and put him on his back and he carried them away. He was known for some great feats of strength and, as we look at Samson

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The treatment of women has been a hot topic issue throughout history. It was no different in biblical times. Women were treated differently than men and sometimes forgotten altogether. But Jesus came for the lost and forgotten. His treatment of women models God’s heart for people. Watch today’s video to see how one woman’s story can bring encouragement to your life.
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Hey men, I'm here to talk to you today and just challenge you a little bit from the Word of God. The Bible tells us in Micah  6:8

It says...


He has told you, mortal one, what is good;

And what does the Lord require of you

But to do justice, to love [a]kindness,

And to walk [b]humbly with your God?


Now I want to look at this first part where it says to do justly. What does that mean and as a man, what Does that mean to for us? To me to do justly means to do what is right to do what's right in

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Joseph had great favor with God. He was a really good, really good person from God, God really shed his favor in his life and Joseph had been through slavery. He was mistreated by his brothers. He was put into jail by committing a crime that he didn't even do, and you know God shed favor throughout Joseph's life wherever Joseph was, God wanted to bless wherever Joseph was okay, so that just lets me know that God loves us. The same God loves us.


Just as he loved Joseph, God's favor is availab

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Hey men, I'm here to talk to you today and just challenge you a little bit from the Word of God. The Bible tells us in Micah chapter 6 verse 8 


For he has shown you O man. What is good and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.


Now I want to look at this first part where it says to do justly. What does that mean and as a man, what does that mean to for us. To me to do justly means to do what is right to do what's right in the eyes

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Let's see what happens in Ruth chapter 3. When Boaz had finished eating and drinking and was in good spirits, he went over to lie down at the far end of the grain pile. Ruth approached quietly, uncovered his feet and lay down in the middle of the night. Something startled the man he turned and there was a woman lying at his feet. Who are you he asked? I'm your servant, Ruth she said, spread the corner of your garment over me, since you are a guardian redeemer of our family. 


Let me pause here

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Daily Devotions for Men - Attitude

I want to begin with Psalms 32:2


New American Standard Bible

How blessed is a person whose guilt the Lord does not take into account,And in whose spirit there is no deceit!


The word “spirit here is the Hebrew word “ruach”, which means spirit, breath demon, spirit, spirit of God. It also means mental disposition, and in here we can accurately translate an attitude. Mental disposition is attitude. The word attitude is not found in the Bible, but we understand this concept. Let me read it to yo

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Ecclesiastes 9:7 Does God want us to live the “good life”? Sometimes guilt can creep in and cause us to second-guess the good things we enjoy. If God has given you a blessing, do you think He would want you to miss out on it? Today’s video brings biblical wisdom and insight about embracing the gifts God gives.
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It's the moment, many of us can't stand especially this time of year. We're hanging out with family and someone brings up politics. And they don't just bring up politics. They say something you think is absolutely ridiculous and extreme you're sure you know which news station they've been watching and you couldn't disagree more. And as our hands begin to shake with adrenaline and our face is flushed with frustration. We fire off some harsh retort that any political pundit would be proud of, and

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Tell me if this verse from 2 corinthians 5:17 sounds familiar. 


17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!


I'm sure you've heard that one many times but let me ask you something. Do you really believe what it says? The Apostle Paul is basically saying if we know jesus, we are new creations. Not a new creation yesterday, or last week or last year.


He is saying we are new creations now. so in a sense, every second, minute, day, week

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In many ways the world, as we once knew, it really has forever changed as a result of this global pandemic, and even though we've taken massive steps towards getting back to some kind of normalcy, there's still so much unknown isn't there. What if another wave comes back, when will there be a vaccine? what, if jobs, don't return? Will my kids be safe at school, the unknown and the uncertainty is scary.

And if you've found yourself at any point of all of this craziness feeling fear, that's unders

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Daily Devotion: Here's a Tip!

A Chicago woman was stunned by one patron's radical generosity. Nicole Thompson works as a teacher and has a second job as a bartender at a restaurant to help pay the bills. One day she received over a thousand percent tip from the same person totaling $ 1,500. The generous man heard from one of Thompson's friends that she was working, two jobs and the patron thought she deserved the tips this one act of kindness, impacted enriched and refreshed thompson, so much so that she felt different for t

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John 3:16 Do you ever wish you could have a do-over or repeat in life? Maybe you can. It’s not by an act of magic but by an act of faith that we can start fresh. Christmas represents the day when Jesus entered the earth to give us a new beginning. Gone are the days of sin and shame! Watch today’s video to find joy, hope, and strength in the birth of Jesus.
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