enterprises (2)


T.D. Jakes

Rapper Jeezy (also known as Young Jeezy) recently released a remix of his song “Holy Ghost.” But, before listeners hear the artist rap about stealing a car, having sex with a woman, and his own wealth, they hear Bishop T.D. Jakes preaching:

Touch somebody and say ‘I’m still on fire.
I’m under attack, but I’m still on fire.
I’ve got some chatter, but I’m still on fire.
I’ve got some threats, but I’m still on fire.
I’ve got some liabilities, but I’m still on fire.
It’s not amazing that

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T.D. Jakes / AP Images

The pastor of a Dallas megachurch is working on a weekly show built around a self-help book he authored and a daily talk show

T.D. Jakes, pastor of the 30,000-member Dallas megachurch The Potter’s House, successfully moved into faith-based movies, most recently with the hit Heaven Is for Real, and can be seen giving sermons on religious TV networks almost every day of the week.

Now he wants to expand into secular TV with two shows — one, a weekly program based on his

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