kennedy (2)

rich-john-f-kennedy-president-1040cs021412.jpgCourtesy of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum. 
Televised Address to the Nation on Civil Rights
In 1963, Civil Rights protests became increasingly confrontational as Birmingham, Alabama's police commissioner, Eugene "Bull" Connor, crushed a nonviolent protest with extreme force. In June 1963, Alabama Gov. George Wallace refused to allow two black students to enter the University of Alabama forcing President Kennedy to use the National Guard to ensure the safety of the
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John F. Kennedy's Undelivered Speech

jfk.jpgThese are the last words of the speech John F. Kennedy was to give at the Trade Mart in Dallas, Texas, the day he was shot: 
"We in this country, in this generation, are -- by destiny rather than choice -- the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility -- that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint -- and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of 'peace on earth, good will toward m
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