man (52)


Christianity today is a business. The goal of most businessmen is to tell consumers what they want to hear so you can sell your product and get bodies in their doors. One of the lies people get in the advertising from many churches today is that you can be in the world and of the world. It’s ok now you end up individual people with no power and no influence. I want to talk with you about “being a man of influence” and in doing that we will compare the ministry of Lot with the ministry of Abrah

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Being A  dedicated Christian, for real, is not easy. The world has its own system; the “church” has a system, And Yahweh has A system. It’s  easier to follow the “world” or the church’s systems than to follow God. This world that we are in is not a friend to Yahweh or his people. Whether we like it or not, if you are a Christian there is a conflict between us and the world because we have different attitudes. In the Book of Matthew chapter 5-7 in the Bible, we see what has become known as The

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Bible Study For Men by Prince Malachi: You Are Not A Goon Part 1

7936053282?profile=originalI know I'll get called a hata’. But the truth is, this is not hate. It’s love. I could not tell you the truth if I didn't love you! The truth is, it’s the enemy's goal to keep you dumb, blind and in bondage.…

Ok, Now Let's Get It Crackin

Once We Make the choice to follow Yeshua (Jesus name is the language He actually spoke), things change. At Least it should. See, from that point, it’s not about

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I know I'll get called a hata’. But the truth is, this is not hate. It’s love. I could not tell you the truth if I didn't love you! The truth is, it’s the enemy's goal to keep you dumb, blind, and in bondage. Then he can control you. So he uses B.E.T, movies,  and music to make you think that if you read books and try to better yourself you’re a “lame” or you’re trying to be white. That’s a lie! The enemy wants you to think if you call yourself a nigga, and the baddest b****, you’re keeping

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In Matthew Chapter 6:5-6, Yeshua Is not concerned about whether we pray. This is more about the how. There is a right way and a wrong way to pray. I bet you didn’t even know what huh. You can pray with the wrong motives and you can have your prayers not heard by God.

The Wrong  Motive Is Praying To Be Heard By Men.

When you pray, you are praying for Yahweh to hear you, this isn't for anyone else but him. Of Course, he knows what you need before you ask ( 2 Chr. 16:9,  Is. 65:24 )

In Matthew Cha

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At  the beginning of any other new year, when the clock strikes 12, many people will put into action what they call their “New year’s resolution.” These are goals people set for themselves that range anywhere from losing 10 lbs to saving money, but by March those goals fizzle and die; they become just a little more than talk. Why? Lack of discipline, and whether we want to admit it or not, lack of discipline is a sign of an immature mind. Just because there is physical growth, that does not nec

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How we live, interact and move in our community and neighborhoods is very important. People are watching and listening to you and you might not ever realize it. What type of influence do you have? When people see you, what do they see. Do They see a person that spreads lies about other people or flirts with another man's wife. How does that make your neighborhood a better place?

If You Are Full Love Love You Can Not Lie On People

Romans 13:9 teaches that if we are full of love, we can not lie

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By Prince Malachi

There is a certain way Yahweh wants us to interact with the people we live near and around. It is clearly mapped out in His Word.

I believe the most powerful element in existence is love. What kind of world would we live in, if everyone that claimed to be a Christian made moves in love?

Romans 13:8-10 teaches us that when we really love we will not…

  1. Go beyond the bounds of the moral law (v 8, 10)
  2. Deny a man his wife (v 9)
  3. Rob any woman of her virtue/power ( v 9)
  4. Murder (
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Let me be 100 percent real with you. This one was hard to write. I’m a person that struggles with trusting our government in general. When it comes to the government I think more like Malcolm X than Martin Luther King. I definitely have issues with our current president.

So what is a Christian's relationship to the government supposed to be? Well, I'm glad you asked. The answer is found in His Word. 

Yahweh expects us to do what is right while being a citizen on this earth. He expects us to se

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Oh, I already know people are going to have A problem with what you are about to read. But these are not my thoughts, ideas, and philosophies. This is from scripture. So don’t be mad at me. Blame God! (Kanye shrug emoji lol)

Yahweh expects all Christians to move in a decent way when it comes to dealing with people who are not Christian and even his “enemies.” A Christian is expected to control himself and have victory over his flesh. Yah expects us to give testimony to his love and be an examp

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The Christian man should…

  1. Hate all evil (v. 9)
  2. Be glued and locked into good (v.9)
  3. Love with brotherly affection (v. 10)
  4. Be forward to honor others (v. 10)
  5. Never be lazy or careless (v. 11)
  6. Maintain zeal and excitement to the boiling point (v. 11)
  7. Put your life into service for Yah, even if you don’t receive personal gain and applause (v. 11)
  8. Show Patience during your problems and situations (v. 12)
  9. Live in constant Prayer to Yah (v. 12)
  10. Contribute and give to needy Christians (v. 13)
  11. Make A
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Photo courtesy of Crossroads Prison Ministries.

Richard Sifuentes was on the run. Determined to avoid a third trip to prison, he was dodging police who were tracking him on an attempted murder charge. Scared and not sure what to do, Richard called his mother.

“The only one who can help you is God,” she told him.

Richard didn’t think his mom’s God could help him, but he was at the end of his rope. He hadn’t prayed a day in his life. But that day, Richard got down on his knees and said: “God,

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The Measure of a Man


by Stephen Kimball

It’s easy to believe that success or popularity equals “manhood”. But do not be deceived! The God who created you and knows you intimately, looks beneath the surface into the recesses of the heart, and what really matters is what he sees in there. Lose that perspective and begin to live your life with the ideals of the world, guided by your own selfish desires, and fall short of what God has planned for your life. On the other hand, live life with an undying deep desire to

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Pastor Evans’ Tribute Sermon for his beloved wife, Lois Irene Evans, preached on Sunday, January 5, 2020.

Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, chaplain of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and author of over 100 books, booklets & Bible studies. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on more than 1,300 US outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.


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First Peep This...

Are You A Conformer Or A Transformer Part 1 By Prince Malachi

If you are a follower of Yeshua (Jesus), and his teachings, if you are a follower of Yahweh, you are to be transformed. That’s not optional. It’s not only if you want to. Yahweh demands it. Be transformed! What does that even mean? Well looking at the Greek text this was originally written in, the word used here is metamorphousthe (or metamorphoo in some text) This is where we get the word metamorphosis from. If

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Ok so, “the body” Your body! You are to present it to Yahweh as a living sacrifice. It will be his body. Now let me tell you something that might trip you out. Yahweh is not interested in your money, your time or your skills, Nah homie, He is interested in you, your body. There is only one gift that makes the redeemed creator happy, and that is the redeemed creation.

Ok, now when you do this, give your body to Yahweh, you will not be conformed or molded in the ways of this world. Conformed. Le

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Bible Study For Men by Prince Malachi: You Are Not A Goon Part 1

7936053282?profile=originalI know I'll get called a hata’. But the truth is, this is not hate. It’s love. I could not tell you the truth if I didn't love you! The truth is, it’s the enemy's goal to keep you dumb, blind, and in bondage.…

Ok, Now Let's Get It Crackin

Once We Make the choice to follow Yeshua (Jesus name is the language He actually spoke), things change. At Least it should. See, from that point, it’s not abo

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7936053282?profile=originalI know I'll get called a hata’. But the truth is, this is not hate. It’s love. I could not tell you the truth if I didn't love you! The truth is, it’s the enemy's goal to keep you dumb, blind, and in bondage. Then he can control you. So he uses B.E.T, movies, and music to make you think that if you read books and try to better yourself you’re a “lame” or you’re trying to be white. That’s a lie! The enemy wants you to think if you call yourself a nigga, and the baddest b****, you’re keeping it

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by chris benjamin  

I want to let you know you are doing a great job fathers of the this great nation and worldwide, but there is more to be accomplished with our time here. We must beat the drum for Championship Fathering! As you know God has called us fathers to do more than stand on the sidelines and watch our families fall apart and fail. It truly is time for all us fathers to plant our feet in the ground and make a stand to guide the physical, mental, and spiritual destiny of our families

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by Stephen Kimball  

It’s easy to believe that success or popularity equals “manhood”. But do not be deceived! The God who created you and knows you intimately, looks beneath the surface into the recesses of the heart, and what really matters is what he sees in there. Lose that perspective and begin to live your life with the ideals of the world, guided by your own selfish desires, and fall short of what God has planned for your life. On the other hand, live life with an undying deep desire to

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