self help (381)

You Can Be A Happy Woman


by Olawale Ogunsola  

On May 22, 2015, a woman Minister of God referred to men as containers bought by a woman whose contents are not known at the time of purchase. On arrival at home, opening of the containers reaveal the true contents. She said some women found beverages in their containers. Some women found sand in theirs; while many women found granite. Discoveries of women after marriage differ in respect of the true contents of their men. 

This is true. 

Are you surprised? I don't know

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"Already, I'm off my diet, skipped exercise class, snacked on chips, and picked up dinner at a fast food restaurant," she groaned.

How can the best intentions, the stoutest resolutions, and the firmest convictions fall so quickly by the wayside? Are we simply weak and self-sabotaging?

Why is it so hard to form healthy habits especially when we know as busy professional women that a successful health plan depends on adopting healthy habits and good intentions.

Is there anything we can do to

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We live in a society where worth and value is measured by our possessions, position, and power. So many women struggle against the strain of trying to keep up and compare themselves to other women who seem to have it all. As women, we feel we are not worthy and valuable when what we do would be looked-down by most of society, hence the all too familiar game of comparison and feelings of being unworthy crouch upon us.

Especially for women, we can struggle as we try and find our worth and value

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The school year is coming to an end soon if you can believe it! This month, students have already taken some midterms and wrapped up major projects, and are prepping for finals. We here at Project Inspired want you to have some life hacks that will help you in your academics and want to give you some inspiring tips. Some of the advice I’ve gathered is from YouTubers and bloggers, such as Mel (click here to view her channel), and be sure to watch the video below for tips on school finals!



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by Ngozi Nwoke  

Do you desire to grow in the love of God? This is the will of God - that you be like Him in words, thought and deeds. Developing the love of the Lord in you empowers you to obey and live for Him at all times. This article tells you how to grow in God's love.

That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ wh

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I often wonder what motivates us to stay productive. It's one thing to produce a positive result and yet another to consistently repeat that positive action. Only motivation, which comes from two sources, can keep us consistent.

1. Our own internal drive, self-talk and attitude. How we speak to and treat ourselves affects what we are able to accomplish.

2. External influence from family, friends, leaders and other people we look up to or hold in high regard. The advice

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Fed up of living for others? Fed up of pleasing others? Life is too short to make it miserable by living in others footsteps. Time to free yourself from those dominating and toxic people, which do nothing less than dragging you to hell. You don't owe your life to them or they don't own your life. It is time to take a step away from them. They harm your mental health and cognitive thinking leaving you worthless and with low self-esteem.

Toxic people cast a shadow on you co

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By Terhemba Godwin Ihagh

The story of “Laurre the Elliot” who bagged a master’s degree at the age of 90, says a lot about the fact that – where there is a will, there will always be a way – no matter the trials or pains! “Laurre the Elliot” is a proof to many that it’s never too late to fulfill your dreams. She said it was that nagging, “unfilled desire“, that prevented her from never giving up. If you want to do something badly enough – then you will be able to do it. Later on, she welcomed he

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Key To Success: Motivation


By Donovan Baldwin

Motivation is an important factor of success. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not. Here's a few comments and tips on the subject of motivation.

Motivation is not a new concept to most of us. We have felt that first burst of enthusiasm. Perhaps it was an ad or news story on TV, an article in a magazine, a chance remark, or an embarrassing moment that brought us that sudden rush of certainty that something needed to be done...could be done. We felt a strong, perhaps overwhe

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 Black EntiStock-695612282-150x150.jpgerprise by Kandia Johnson  

Ready to level up in your career? Here’s a tip: don’t get too attached to a plan. Chances are if you’re not where you want to be in your career, you may want to consider a new way of thinking about your journey.

Below, check out the reasons why you may not be getting ahead in your career.

You’re looking at the wrong opportunities for career advancement

Career advancement requires that you’re curious, adaptable, resourceful, and willing to experiment on y

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The Guide to Dating an Introvert


by Divine Akorli  

You’ve found someone special. They’ve caught your eye, captured your attention, and are well on their way to stealing your heart, as well. You want this person to be a part of your life.

You get your wish, and the two of you finally make the choice to go out together. But there’s a problem. When you take your date to parties, they begin to visibly wilt after an hour or two, and linger near the door, as if they want to escape. They become irritable for no reason you can disce

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Oftentimes, we believe we need to "add something" into our lives in to be truly happy... more money, better job, a spouse, a new car, a baby. The truth is, by removing things, we create the space to find more happiness in the simple things. It's in the simplicity that happiness finds its way into the cracks of ordinary moments that we tend to take for granted.

Here are three things you need to eliminate from your life to feel more happiness each day.

1. The need to plea

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By Marc-Eddy Drouinaud Jr

There is a proven sequence of steps to follow if you want to see success when starting an online-based business. I have seen hundreds of thousands of people Start and lift their online-based business off of the ground by doing these things:

1. Provide value first.

2. Write informative copy that sells.

3. Design and customize an easy-to-use website.

4. Use popular search engines to drive qualified traffic to your site.

5. Establish yourself as an expert to the masses.


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Could creating your character be likened to an artist creating a sculpture? I believe that character is not something that just happens by itself any more than a chisel can create a work of art without the hand of an artist guiding it. In both instances, a conscious decision for a specific outcome has been made. A conscious process is at work. Character is the result of hundreds and hundreds of choices you make that gr

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There's nothing like reading and what it can do for you. But the truth is, we don't read like we used to. One of the main reasons for this is the growth of technology. However, what most people don’t know is there is so much to benefit from reading. 

When was the last time you read a book, or a substantial magazine article? Do your daily reading habits center around tweets, Facebook updates, or the directions on your

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Enough with the excuses

Are you constantly talking yourself out of taking steps toward your dreams? Sometimes, it’s not a lack of skills that hold us back from success, it’s our bad habits and excuses.

(Image: iStock/m-imagephotography)


Equally important to mastering new skills, is mastering your 0wn mindset. What are you feeding your mind? Remember, your thoughts dictate your actions. Here are a few common excuses that can hold you back from success:

“I just don’t have th

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Even the most creativity-averse people can tap into their creative genius

 (Image: iStock/PeopleImages)


According to Psychology Today, there really isn’t any research that says that people can’

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Is there something you want to happen in your life? Why not believe and make them happen? This article shows how. Read on to find out.

Are you a dreamer, thinker or doer? How would you classify yourself? Any one of these helps and you can work on the other two.

As for me, I am a thinker. I can plan things and prepare myself for something I have to confront. I am not so much of a dreamer or doer.

All the same I manage to do everything I desire sooner or later.

How do I make things happen? Planni

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Why compare yourself to others?

It is a normal human behavior to compare ourselves to other people, but doing it in a negative way is something we all should be avoiding. Comparing yourself with someone else that is working in the same field of work to improve is one thing, but it is really a bad idea if it makes you doubt yourself and gives you a negative mindset. Let us say that you are a online marketer and you are comparing yourself with a very successful marketer. It will not make you any

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( Confidence is what turns your thoughts into action. It is impossible to be successful without it because it is your belief that you can, that you’re worthy, and that you will ultimately succeed.  But sometimes, insecurities can get in the way of feeling confident. When that happens, there are a few shifts you can make to immediately boost your confidence:

  1. Open your arms. Sit up straight.

Before we dive into the quick shifts in thinking that boost your confidence, let’s st

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